Monday, November 8, 2010

Raffy and BizNasty Return to the Joe

I have been counting down the days until Raffy was slated to come back...ok, not really since I wasn't sure of an exact date, but I have been waiting very impatiently for this day to come ever since it was announced that he was having knee issues. I have annoyed the people sitting around me with comments like "Raffy would have kept that onsides" or "UGH! Brian Rafalski you are not" and the most common one "I miss Raffy..." generally followed by an exaggerated frown thrown at my brother who proceeds to mock me. I know, it's kinda pathetic, but c'mon, that man is the king of keeping the puck in at the blue line and you all know it.

Ok, enough of that, time for pictures... I kinda stole this idea from someone else (don't know who) but in that one it was Raf expressing this opinion about Hank. Anyways, pretty sure that's not what's going on, but when do I ever fact check?

Not the direction I meant to take that picture, but I couldn't help it... anyways, here's a few more.

This one doesn't need explaining, it's pretty obvious when it was taken...

And one last one...

I know I mentioned BizNasty coming back to the Joe too, but I really don't want a picture of him in a Speedo on here, so we're just gonna leave him out, ok? Good.

Instead, how about a view of what happens after Pav decides to get in a fight?

Stuey's fight didn't seem to leave the same path of destruction...

Don't take that as a sign that I'm asking you to fight tonight, Abby, you can wait until I'm there to see it if you want...

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