Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He's Back...

Ok, that might be a bit misleading since he was never gone, but I had the back picture, so why not? As we all now know, Helmer is now signed to wear the Winged Wheel for two more years and (inspired partly by the joy of Lizzlefoshizzle, author of the fabulous and informative Primer on the Lebster) I plan to celebrate that fact, even though most of us (fairly) sane fans knew this was coming.

Yep, this guy. My jaw would probably drop too if I realized twitter had exploded over something I did the way it did for him today.

Then again, his mouth is always open...

It's almost closed here, but not quite.

Here I think he's trying to whistle, though I may be wrong

He's starting to look a bit suspicious-

Why? He knows what you're thinking!

Yep, he knows and he's amused. Anyways, back to the pictures...

Even vets lose track of the puck from time to time, here Helm shows some of them where the puck went.

Here's a more long-distance shot

and another...

Goofing off with Ozzie

Practicing making dangle behind Pav...

Two more classic Helmer faces...

Here's to two more years with our speediest youngster

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy. So, so, SO happy.

