Sunday, April 18, 2010

Game 3 motivation

Sorry I haven't done one of these in a while, but I think it's finally time again for a little motivation. I still haven't seen all of game 2, but there were some definite bits of sheer awesome and we need to keep that going.

I love the little girl's face in this first picture. And Danny Cleary doesn't look like a complete stalker or an alien...

Next, it seems we aren't the only people who are happy to see Abdelkader back in the line-up.

Finally, in what doesn't seem like a very original motivator, even hockey players get excited to see the stars out on the ice...


  1. Haha, good stuff! I love these kinds of pics.

  2. Ah, the haunting "Gigglerig" picture.

    This is what I see when I'm driving around, thinking of nothing.

  3. You should find a way to get these photos to these particular players. After the way all three played today, inspiration is needed for all of them.

  4. Liz- Oh the Gigglerig. If we could splice this with the waving Hank pic, it just might become the greatest picture of all time!

    Norm- Thanks, glad you like them!

    Brian- Haha, I'm just imagining my extreme embarrassment at showing them my pictures... it's true though, they could use the help...
