Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's YOUR Perspective?

You've been looking at my Neuie Perspective for quite some time, so now I'd like to know, what's your perspective? I'll still run the usual posts, but I'm starting a new feature next Sunday called "What's Your Perspective?" featuring pictures sent in by readers. Every other week (unless I get a ton, then it will be every week) I'll post at least one picture from each person to submit photos, depending on how many I get that week. The only thing I ask is that they be your photos, not ones you found on the internet.

If you're interested in participating, send your pictures to either my email here or with your name and the game the pictures are from so I can give you proper credit. Ideally I'd like to post Red Wing pictures, but if you have some from minor league games or college, feel free to send them in too.

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