Friday, November 19, 2010

Det. v. Minn. Pregame-ish: Little Bro.'s Split Post

(Bro. Note: Sara was rather busy today and couldn't make a post for the game. So, because I was doing nothing and have the "Neuie" name, I was asked to post. Be very afraid.)

In case you've missed the past week and a half, Colin Campbell has gotten in trouble with the public, Brett Sutter was traded by his father, and....

**:Dude, real bloggers have already covered those issues to exhaustion.

Bro.: Who the heck are you?

**: I'm the Anti-Brother. I'm the opposite of everything you are.

Bro.: So you're short, skinny, and have a girlfriend?

Anti-Bro.: Well, ye.... no.

Bro.: As I figured. Now sit in the corner and shut-up. As I was saying, a number of things have happened, including the Wings having a four game winning streak. So, with some highlights...

Anti-Bro.: You don't have highlights.

Bro.: Well, they're not lowlights.

Anti-Bro.: How about interesting-lights?

Bro.: Okay, we have interesting lights, particularly from the Detroit Edmonton game last week.

Anti-Bro: Can I help?

Bro.: (sigh) Fine, just don't off the handle.
And here we go...

Bro.: First of all, thanks to all the veterans, whether they went to war or not.
Anti-Bro.: But what is with the additional flags? And they don't bring in a Canadian flag for a Canadian team at the Joe? Color Guard FAIL!

Anti-Bro.: Drew tells everyone that he's gonna score when a goalie double hits a puck into the net.
"Yeah, whatever Drew."
"That Drew Miller is crazy."
Bro.: Yeah.....wait a minute...

Bro.: Anit-Bro., why do you choose this picture?
Anti-Bro.: Just look at the top corner.
Bro.: The thing that looks like ROB the Robot's head?
Anti-Bro.: No, Rafalski picking his nose.

Bro.: Speaking of Raffi, Larry Murphy is very impressed by his balance.
Anti-Bro.: ...while Brad McCrimmon is thinking, "Big deal, I could do that if I wanted to."

Bro.: Ladies and gentleman, the Red Wings own Cristy Lee with a Jersey Foul.
Anti-Bro.: You just dissed the greatest goalie ever, *****.
Bro.: And finally...

Bro.: I really should stop trying to play hungover.
Anti-Bro.: I just knew Darren didn't cook the eggs long enough.
Bro.: That pizza eating contest was definitely a bad idea.
Anti-Bro.: Hey Ref, that guy just speared me in the nads.
Bro.: I think I had some bad weed. That's the last time I visit Ann Arbor.
Anti-Bro: That's the last time I eat Mexican before games again.
Bro.: Thanks again and Go Wings.
Anti-Bro.: Wait I got another one...
"Hey guys, look. I'm mooning you guys."

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