Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pregame Fun

Games like this always make me nervous, so instead of doing a pregame post (if you found my blog, there's no way you can't find the awesome ones that will break everything down for you), I thought I'd have some fun.

Like I said before, Drew Miller makes awesome faces. And here's proof:

Worrying about this game will get me nowhere. In fact, I have a motivator I made for my cousin months ago expressing the same thought.

That picture was taken right after the water bottle prank someone pulled on Brad May. I like to think Millsie was the culprit and this is him hoping May won't realize that :)

Instead of worrying, we should all remember to do this:


  1. NICE! Drew Miller is awesome. Love the grey hair

  2. Thanks, Andy. Totally agree, Miller rocks.

  3. I love the "Smile" poster. That's fantastic.

  4. Baroque- Thanks :) That's one of my favorite pictures I've taken all year on top of being one of my favorite fake motivators

  5. He has a FANTASTIC smile. I may have to clear some more room on ye olde desk here...

  6. Natalie- Haha, I'm having the same problem with my desktop picture... I'm thinking I might make a calendar collage every month so I don't have to stick to just one
